Tags: Axial and Lateral Resolution Limits in a Light Microscope, Diffraction, Dr. Bo Huang, Dr. Jennifer Waters, Dr. Kurt Thorn, Experimental demonstration of the Fourier Plane in a Light Microscope, Numerical Aperture, Nyquist Criterion, Point Spread Function, Prof. Jeff Lichtman, Rayleigh Criterion, Resolution Limit of a Light Microscope
Tags: Dr. Jennifer Waters, Dr. Stephen Ross, Image formation in a Microscope, Koehler illumination, Lenses and Image Formation, Microscope Objectives, Numerical Aperture, Point Spread Function, Prof. Daniel Fletcher, Prof. Ron Vale
Tags: Advances in Light Microscopy, Dr. Shinya Inoue, History of Microscopy, Prof. Joseph Gall, Prof. Ron Vale, What can you learn with a Light Microscope?